Hi, I am Taylor!
A farm wife, homeschooling mom and follower of Jesus.
Our family has found so much healing through real food that’s been raised right and prioritizing an animal based diet. We’ve made it our mission to share simple, whole food recipes to help your family thrive. We also love cheering on and connecting you with our fellow farmers, ranchers and small businesses that go above and beyond to produce products that are truly good for us!
We prioritize eating a very high Animal Based diet, so many (but not all) of the recipes I share are Animal Based. If you’re curious about the animal-based diet – I recommend visiting Dr. Paul’s website, here.
Our family has slowly been making better-for-you swaps in our home. If you’re looking for a great place to start or your next swap idea, check out my favorites here!

My goal is to offer straightforward, simple recipes that are packed with nutrient dense foods and recommend healthy home products to help your family thrive!
My “why”…
When our oldest son was battling severe eczema, we started researching how to help heal his skin and it truly felt like a whole new world was opened to us.
I had never thought twice about what was in the food I was eating or the products I was using. I guess I just trusted that if they sold it, it had to be fine.
It wasn’t long after we started researching that we found ourselves reading labels and putting products back that included names of things we couldn’t pronounce. We started cutting out seed oils and ultra processed foods, removing fragrances and unnecessary products from our home. It was all so eye opening (and a little overwhelming). But step by step and little by little we started implementing the things we were learning.
Then, when Tyler and I started our grass fed beef business (Reil Ranch), I continued to learn how even one ingredient items can vary in quality and nutrition. The way food is raised really does matter. Not all beef is the same and that’s why we became extremely passionate about raising beef and supporting other ranchers that raise beef in a way that’s good for us, good for the cattle and good for the land.
**(We currently are not selling/shipping our own beef. We prayerfully made the decision to “pause” our direct to consumer business in 2024. To be very straightforward and honest, I was incredibly burnt out trying to manage and run the marketing, customer service, fulfillment, business development, sales, basically every department except managing the cattle themselves AND raise and homeschool three young boys. Maybe in the future, if time allows, we will hop back into shipping our beef – but for now I love that we can continue sharing whole food recipes that help families thrive and recommending our rancher friends and other awesome businesses to you in the meantime!)
In 2024, I became very sick after having our third child and could not figure out why I was having difficulty swallowing and other bizarre symptoms postpartum. After spending four days in the hospital – with no real answers – we went home feeling discouraged. We had read a lot about the Animal Based diet and how others were seeing incredible healing from eating this way and we decided to give it a try. We followed a strict AB diet for 30+ days and my symptoms began to heal, both Tyler and I had more energy, we were sleeping better… we truly felt GREAT for the first time in a long time!
The months following, we started adding other foods back into our diet, but to this day, we find ourselves coming back to eating animal based because we truly feel our best when we do, which is why most of the recipes I share on this site are Animal Based.
So, here’s my hope for this platform…
I hope each time you open an email from me or read one of my recipes on here, you’re encouraged and excited to go back to the basics with simple food that’s been raised right and products that you can feel good about using in your home.
I write these simple recipes, posts and newsletters, not as someone who is an expert or someone who strives for perfection when it comes to living a healthy and non-toxic life, but as a fellow health conscious consumer who wants to prioritize real, clean, simple foods and home products, as much as I can, to help my family thrive and I hope I can help you do the same for yours!!
Want to work together?
If you’re a business or brand that aligns with our values and are interested in working together, send us an email at [email protected]